Water is the primary stream in which pesticides, toxins and certain drug residues are transported from the sites of application to other parts of the environment in their active forms. Thus, their analytical determination is critical.
1. Drinking Water Quality: CE is valuable for analyzing drinking water samples to ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations.
2. Natural and Waste Waters: CE can be employed to characterize different waste types in water, such as landfill leachates or industrial waste, and identify potential contaminants in naturalwaters.
3. Biodegradation Studies: CE can be used to study the breakdown of organic pollutants and assess the effectiveness of biodegradation processes.
4. Identification of Unknown Compounds: CE can assist in identifying unknown substances found in the environment, aiding in the investigation of pollution sources (CE-MS).
5. Environmental Forensics: CE can be applied in environmental forensic studies to trace the origin and transport of contaminants.
6. Monitoring of Environmental Remediation: Capillary electrophoresis can help evaluate the effectiveness of remediation efforts by tracking the removal of contaminants over time.